Doctor Mark Noar
We’ve created this site to provide you with an extensive list of answers to your questions about Acid Reflux, LPR, Heartburn, and Regurgitation. Many of the most common questions we receive daily are related to the symptoms, diagnosis and most up-to-date and successful Acid Reflux Treatment through medical, endoscopic and surgical approaches as well as treating, GERD, Heartburn, LPR, and Regurgitation. Our goal is to empower you to take control of your disease and help educate others and the medical community.
“Over the past 20 years we have seen an explosion in the amount of information about Acid Reflux as a disease. My mission is to provide an up-to-date and in-depth understanding of Acid Reflux Treatment and of the disease itself based upon evidence found in medical literature.”
— Dr. Mark Noar